Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Remember the Purpose of our Life

Dear Friends,

A song in last Sunday service initiated me to give this message. A line in the song was as “A ship is always safe at the shore - but that is NOT what it is built for.”    I was really touched by these line.

It arise a question within us, whether we are like a ship in the shore or against the sea waves and wind. If we ask someone about how their life is to be?. Almost everyone will say, they need Money, Shelter, Clothings and all comforts. Many will do their preaching in the safe zone, but they wont utter a word in the danger places.
Like the song line, it is safe to worship lord with all the comforts. But a true follower is defined in Luke 9:23 as

"If anyone desires to come after Me; let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me"

One more thing is, it is safe for us not to tested by Satan by keeping calm. But we are not created for that.We have to worship our true god. During this we will go through difficult times and situations. We don't have to afraid for the situations, our hope needs to be in Jesus, our only saviour.

Because our god told us, no one will be tested over his tolerance limit. Also in another verse Jesus Said "My Grace is Sufficient for you".

So get the strength from the soverign god and live a victorious life. Amen !!!!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Obedience to God's voice

In Gen 12:1, God said to Abram, Go from your country ... to the land that I will show.

Here the lord talked to Abram (not commanded) and inturn Abram didn't asked any questions against god. He did what the god said to him.  In verse 4, So Abram went , as the lord told him...

We have to think two things from the above verses.
  • Abraham knows that our god is an awesome god. He won't leave as a wanderer or orphans. Hence he believe in the god's word and obeyed. Believing is very important in our christian life.
  • Whether we are obeying to god's voice in our daily life. We are ready to spare time on many things desire to our heart, but are we ready to read bible, doing our regular prayer or hearing lord's word. We are not obeying in these things. Such things needs to change in our lives.
We know the further happenings in Abraham's life. Since he took the initial steps carefully. i.e believed and obeyed to god's word, he is blessed in all his deed. Wherever he go, lord was with him.

Hence believe in God's word and promises. Keep the words in your heart. Spend time to worship him. Prioritize your decisions, obey to the lord and be blessed always. Amen.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Turn Back to God

In Gen 3, we can see the first sin and god cursed serpent, Eve and Adam. Also god drove away them from Eden.  Then in Gen 4, we see Eve bored Cain and Abel.
Then the things happening was notable. God has regard for Abel and his offerings but not Cain's. Here the human nature is getting revealed. That he got anger and to the extent he killed his own brother.
God questioned about his brother to Cain. But Cain reply was whether he is a guardian to him.

God cursed abel for his deed. Cain said his punishment is greater than he bear and added that whoever finds him will kill him and pleaded god.

Here we can see our gracious god, that in the midst of Cain deeds (i.e So Cain got anger, killed and speaking against god ) he said whoever kills Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold. Also lord put a mark on coin.

But in Psalms 2, we can see the another dimension of god, that how he is anger against the people not serving him.
Hence Server the Lord with Fear and rejoice with trembling ( Ps 2:11)

In the New  Testament, Mat 1st chapter we can see God gave his only son for us. The purpose is clear from the verse 21, the child will be called as Jesus and he (Jesus) will save us from our Sins.

Hence confess your sins before the only god, get cleansed and serve the lord and live a holy life. Amen.