Dear Friends,
A song in last Sunday service initiated me to give this message. A line in the song was as “A ship is always safe at the shore - but that is NOT what it is built for.” I was really touched by these line.
It arise a question within us, whether we are like a ship in the shore or against the sea waves and wind. If we ask someone about how their life is to be?. Almost everyone will say, they need Money, Shelter, Clothings and all comforts. Many will do their preaching in the safe zone, but they wont utter a word in the danger places.
Like the song line, it is safe to worship lord with all the comforts. But a true follower is defined in Luke 9:23 as
"If anyone desires to come after Me; let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me"
One more thing is, it is safe for us not to tested by Satan by keeping calm. But we are not created for that.We have to worship our true god. During this we will go through difficult times and situations. We don't have to afraid for the situations, our hope needs to be in Jesus, our only saviour.
Because our god told us, no one will be tested over his tolerance limit. Also in another verse Jesus Said "My Grace is Sufficient for you".
So get the strength from the soverign god and live a victorious life. Amen !!!!
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